Friday, October 31, 2008

Helbig, Sundin Remain Silent about Future

Toronto Hockey News (staff) -

Not unlike Niedermayer and Selanne before them, long-time Toronto Bandits stars Jason Helbig and Mats Sundin are remaining silent about their future as professional hockey players. The general impression in the Queen City is that Helbig and Sundin are holding their team, supporters and all of Toronto up for ransom. The reality is that with the salary cap situation the way it is, it's unlikely the Bandits will be able to hold down two spots for both Sundin and Helbig. As for who between the two would get a spot if they did decide to join the team, it remains unclear as neither Sundin or Helbig have been in touch with Bandits GM Fortin. In fact, no cheque has arrived from Helbig, which has lead to widespread speculation that Helbig is either entertaining offers from other clubs or is truly contemplating retirement.


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